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Failed Payment

On the Role Center is a red tile under Current Payments for ‘Failed’. This tile indicates whether any payments have failed.

Failed Mandate.img

Figure 1 | Failed Payment Notification on Role Center

There can be a couple reasons for the failure of a payment, such as a customer cancelling the Direct Debit Mandate or due to insufficient funds.

In most cases, you could do a ‘Retry’ by clicking into the tile, selecting the failure, and selecting ‘Actions’, ‘Line’ and then ‘Retry’. Or you could ‘Cancel’ the payment and discuss with the customer the reason for the failure.

Failed Mandate.img

Figure 2 | Failed Mandate Actions

The ‘Failed’ functionality is a way of making you aware that the failure has occurred. Once you have seen the failure and have taken any of the above steps to resolve it, you must then ‘Acknowledge Failure’ (as in figure 3) to remove the failure from the listing.