Astral GoCardless - Help:

Submitting Payments

On your role centre page, go to GoCardless and then click on 'Payments'.

Submitting Payments.img

Figure 1 | Payments

Now on the payments page you will see the created payment batch. Click on the Payment Batch No. to see the Payment Batch Entries.

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Figure 2 | Payment Batch

On the Payment Batch Entries page, click on 'Send To GoCardless' in the ribbon to submit the payments.

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Figure 3 | Payment Bacth Entries

Once the payment entries have been submitted you will see the dialogue box as in figure 4.

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Figure 4 | Dialogue Box

Alternatively, you can send a batch’s payment entries by selecting a Payment Batch line, clicking 'Process' in the ribbon and selecting 'Send to GoCardless'.

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Figure 5 | Alternative way to send a batch's payment entries