Astral Reports - Help V5:

Additional Reporting Currency

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We will demonstrate how to retrieve additional reporting currency for more than one company within the database.

For this, we are using a previously set up Profit & Loss statement, where the formula has already been setup for column G.

Note the word ‘FALSE’ in the cell (see figure 1).

Astral Reports Companies Figure 1.img

Figure 1 | FALSE Function

This has been used as an additional argument within the Business Central G/L Amount formula noting that the Additional Reporting Currency will not be used.

To drill into the formula and see the function arguments used, select the cell and click ‘Insert Function’.

Astral Reports Companies Figure 1.img

Figure 2 | View Function Arguments

In the Function Arguments window, for the ‘Additional Currency’ field, you can see that cell G17 with the function ‘FALSE’ has been selected, which, as mentioned above, means that ‘Additional Currency’ will not be used.

Astral Reports Companies Figure 1.img

Figure 3 | Function Arguments

Now, copy and paste the information from column G into the next column.

Astral Reports Companies Figure 1.img

Figure 4 | Copy Column Information

But now change ‘FALSE’ to ‘TRUE’.

Astral Reports Companies Figure 1.img

Figure 5 | Change Function

You will notice that the returned figures are zero (see figure 5). This is because in this instance, in the demo company ‘CRONUS UK Ltd.’ it does not does not have Additional Reporting Currency set up.

But if we change the company name to a company that does have Additional Reporting Currency setup, in this instance ‘CRONUS US Inc’ which does, the figures will update accordingly.

Astral Reports Companies Figure 1.img

Figure 6 | Updated Column

Now, we are able to see both values using the Reporting Currency.