Astral Reports - Help V5:

Dimensions Set Budget Amount

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We will demonstrate how to use the G/L by Dimension Set Budget Amount function.

This function allows you pull up the budgeted amount for a G/L Account using a range of dimension values.

This follows on from the section for using the G/L Dimension Set ID Filter and Amount - please review this section/video which demonstrates how to use the G/L Dimension Set ID Filter and placing this onto your report.

In this example, we want to be able to analyse the Chart of Accounts, comparing the Budgeted amounts to the Balance.

An addition to the key is the ‘Budget Code’; this is the budget created in Business Central that you want to analyse according to the Dimension range in the key.

Astral Reports Dim Set Budget Amount Figure.img

Figure 1 | Budget Code

Select the first cell in the ‘Budgeted Amount by Dimension Value’ column, using the Dimension Set ID Filter that was created earlier, we will now place the function.

Astral Reports Dim Set Budget Amount Figure.img

Figure 2 | Budgeted Amount by Dimension Value

Select ‘Insert Function’ in the ribbon.

Astral Reports Dim Set Budget Amount Figure.img

Figure 3 | Insert Function

Scroll down to ‘BC_GLDimSetBudgetAmount’ and click ‘OK’.

Astral Reports Dim Set Budget Amount Figure.img

Figure 4 | Select Function

Now fill in the ‘Function Arguments’.

Specify the ‘Connection’, locking it, then the ‘Company’, locking that too.

Astral Reports Dim Set Budget Amount Figure.img

Figure 5 | Function Arguments

For the ‘Dimension Set ID Filter’ include the Dim Set ID Filter, and lock it also.

Astral Reports Dim Set Budget Amount Figure.img

Figure 6 | Function Arguments

Now specify the ‘Budget’, ‘Start Date’, and ‘End Date’, locking all of these too.

Astral Reports Dim Set Budget Amount Figure.img

Figure 7 | Function Arguments

Now select the first ‘G/L Account’, and click ‘OK’.

Astral Reports Dim Set Budget Amount Figure.img

Figure 8 | Function Arguments

Copy the formula down the column.

Astral Reports Dim Set Budget Amount Figure.img

Figure 9 | Copy Formula

And the Budgeted Amounts for these G/L Accounts according to the dimensions listed in the key will populate.

Astral Reports Dim Set Budget Amount Figure.img

Figure 10 | Budgeted Amounts for G/L Accounts