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GoCardless Creditors

A GoCardless Creditor record is created automatically in Business Central via the Assisted Connection Setup discussed previously (Assisted Connection Setup Wizard). It will contain the information that you provided to GoCardless when creating your Merchant Account.

Typically there will be a single Creditor record, but it is possible for a Merchant Account to have multiple.

GoCardless Creditors.img

Figure 1 | GoCardless Creditors

The Creditor records can be viewed by clicking the 'Setup' option from your Role Centre, and then clicking 'GoCardless Creditors'.

GoCardless Creditors Screen.img

Figure 2 | GoCardless Creditors Screen

If you have updated your GoCardless Merchant Account you can use the 'Get Creditors' action on this screen to pull this information into Business Central. The Creditor information dictates how many Schemes you are signed up for, what currency you will be paid out in and also how you have mapped the Schemes to your Bank Accounts.

Clicking on the Creditor ID will open up the Creditor card.

GoCardless Creditor Card.img

Figure 3 | GoCardless Creditor Card

Details regarding the various fields on the Creditor card can be found here.